Our Services

Recycling Roll Cart and Garbage Roll Cart

Bag your grass after you mow

Limbs greater than 4ft or 4 in in diameter (*Debris larger than these guidelines damages hauler’s trucks)
Trash, Yard Waste and Recycling on Monday
Trash, Yard Waste and recycling collection provider for Richland County is TALKIN’ TRASH…and RECYCLING
Trash, Yard Waste collection is every Monday
Recycling every other week
Please have trash and recycling out by 7:00 a.m.
View the new “Talkin’ Trash” brochure that gives all the information you need to know about the services of the Solid Waste & Recycling Department, including the
proper way to manage household garbage, recyclables, yard waste, bulk items and where to take certain items for disposal or recycling.
Holiday Schedule for pickup
There will be NO CURBSIDE COLLECTION on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day,
July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. When collection is interrupted due to a holiday, your garbage, recycling or yard waste will be picked up the day following your usual pick-up day.
Call Richland Country at 803.929.6000 for information on all
schedule changes.