Welcome to Newcastle Concerned Citizens!
The NCCI Homeowners’ Association would like to extend you a warm and special welcome. Our Welcoming of Newcomers Chairperson is Joan Mobley, and we invite you to email info@newcastleconcernedcitizens.com to let her know that you have arrived. Betsy, or a designated Committee Member, will bring you a NCCI’ association “welcome packet” and will be happy to answer any questions about getting started with your new life in NCCI. You can also request a “Welcome Packet” by filling out this online form and submitting it to our Newcomer’s Committee.
Email List for NCCI Residents
If you would like to be added to the group email list for NCCI residents, please register with this site and ensure “Enable Email Notifications”. This can be updated at any time. Your email address will never be shared outside of NCCI and will not be used for commercial purposes.
Annual NCCI Dues $30.00 per year.